10th June, 2013, affiliated with CADE-24

StarExec is an NSF funded project to design, implement, and operate a cross community web-based service for the comparative evaluation of logic solvers (automated theorem provers) on benchmark problems. Most of the project budget is dedicated to acquiring and operating a medium-sized cluster of an anticipated 150 compute nodes, which will be used to run jobs submitted by users. StarExec's expected users are the members of various logic-solving subcommunities of the broader automated theorem proving community.

The StarExec 2013 workshop will bring together logic-solving community leaders, logic solver competition organizers, StarExec power users, and the StarExec project leaders, to discuss the current status of the StarExec project.

The workshop will have four sessions:
  1. A status report from the StarExec project leaders, and a demonstration of the current capabilities of the service.
  2. Use of StarExec by the attendees, so they can get a feeling of how well the implementation will meet their solver evaluation needs and provide feedback.
  3. A presentation by the StarExec project leaders on the short and medium term plans for development and use of StarExec.
  4. A discussion of a proposed web API.

Organizers and Project Leaders

Aaron Stump, The University of Iowa, USA
Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami, USA
Cesare Tinelli, The University of Iowa, USA

Invited Participants

Christoph Benzmüller, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Nikolaj Bjørner, Microsoft Research, USA
Daniel Le Berre, Université d'Artois, France
Morgan Deters, New York University, USA
Peter Häring, Universität Passau, Germany
Thomas Krennwallner, Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Jens Otten, Universität Postdam, Germany
Stephan Schulz, Technische Universität München, Germany
Martina Seidl, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
Harald Zankl, Universität Innsbruck, Austria


2:00 ‑ 2:30pm    StarExec status report
Aaron Stump
2:30 ‑ 4:00pm    Practicum and feedback
Attendees use StarExec and provide feedback

4:00 ‑ 4:30pm    Coffee break

4:30 ‑ 5:00pm    Presentation of short and medium term plans
Cesare Tinelli
5:00 ‑ 6:00pm    Discussion of web API
Geoff Sutcliffe moderates

Support for StarExec'13 is provided by the National Science Foundation